mercoledì 16 luglio 2014

        Water &  . . . Hope

      Zygmunt BAUMAN on ... HOPE  ( Courage and Stubborness )

                                                    Click for the full view on the link Below


                                                           or, just for a brief demo  ( 2' ):


sabato 28 giugno 2014

The Virtual Water Concept

Professor Tony Allan talks about his Virtual Water Concept ,

Tony Allan was acknowledged by the world water scientific community winner of the 2008 Stockholm Water Prize

giovedì 29 maggio 2014

Virtual Water . . . un unknown 'mighty'

    ' In complex industrialised economies the role of water  may not be as visible  as in subsistence systems , where all inputs are locally accessed. In industrialised economies only a small part of water used is evident ... Even more important water, is less evident, unless there is a draught. Such water in soil is not even accounted in the national water budgets.  
   ' Water use by industry and services is misunderstood (..). How much people know  , how much, or how little, their firm, their office, their school uses per year ? '
   ' At the extreme of invisibility, the water embedded in imported commodities, such as food , has no profile at all . This last water, in practise, gives life to the individual and balances and stabilises water defcit economy.
   The political economy of virtal water is incalculable.

                                                                                                            Tony Allan

                          Consumi di Virtual Water per tipologia di prodotto


Do the Right Thing a Little Badly: An Interview 2008 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate   

Prof. J.A. Allan


 On August 21, during the World Water Week in Stockholm, Professor John Anthony Allan received the 2008 Stockholm Water Prize from the hands of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden. A powerful acknowledgement for a man who introduced a virtual water concept and whose work is helping to  solve conflicts over water, 

even in places where water is scarce and politics tense.

 [ Published in Water Front Magazine No. 2 2008]

Water and Food Security

lunedì 26 maggio 2014

Water Politics . . .

Un progetto di Creazione di una linea di ricerca Italiana in materia di Politica Idrica . . .